We Create the Change while our Competition is Content to Manage Change
- Our roadmap creates a clear path to improving productivity by 100%, without significant investment.
- Fundamentally differentiated Hot-Zone Design and Control Algorithm.
- Our experience and expertise in both Solar and Semiconductor industries gives us abundant knowledge base that can be transferred from Semiconductor Crystal Growth and Wafering to Solar Crystal Growth and Wafering
- Our Team pioneered many state-of the art solar and semiconductor Crystal growth and Wafering processes. We have many well-established semiconductor practices to implement in the solar industry
- Development of new design and processes based on our ability to quantify the entire crystal growth and wafering dynamics gives us an advantage. Everything we do involves synergy between practice and theory, and experiments and simulation. We can accurately predict the performance of old and new designs at every level in the factory. This accelerates our roadmap execution and allows us to introduce change before competition.